Challenge #780 (01/06/18) Entries CLOSED

Undiscovered Rain Forest Dragon Fish


Cycles, 300 samples, denoiser, filmic, dynamic paint physics, several particle systems, hdri light with hemi lamps

This one was a real pain in the behind. About 3 hours to make and only 20 hours to try to render. First render attempt using gpu ran out of memory half way through about 2 hours. Not too bad so I changed configuration to cpu. Holy cow it says 12 hours with the full settings I wanted. So made decision to do it since I’d let it render over night. At hour 10 I realize I screwed up and used the wrong material on the tree. It was a bright red. Canceled the render. Made a tactical decision to reduce the resolution and remove all the 2k materials and reattempt with gpu. Simplified the scene as well. Again ran out of gpu memory after 2 hours. Finally re-rendered with cpu for a 6 hour render.

Moral of the story. I need to learn EEVEE.