Challenge #780 (01/06/18) Entries CLOSED

Theme #780 for Friday 1st of June 2018 is:


Entry closes on Monday, 22:30 GMT (Tue, Jun 5, 2018 12:30 AM (Europe: Paris), Mon, Jun 4, 2018 3:30 PM (America: Los Angeles))

“There are two main goals for these contests: Fun and Glory.
Fun: You get only 4 days to create a cool image, based on the theme for the week.
Glory: After 2 days of voting, a winner is declared. The winner picks the theme for next week.”

Please remember to state if your entry is pure, open or non-competing.
For details please check out the: CHALLENGE RULES

For new members: if your entry/post doesn’t show up right away, that might be due to blenderartist’s auto-moderation feature. Your post will show up eventually. However, this can take some time (hours). So, if you are close to the deadline and your entry is caught by moderation, just send me a PM including a link to the image. I’ll try to add it manually.

Btw.: Comments are welcome in both threads (entries/voting). Have fun! :slight_smile:

Depths of the Forest

My Pure Competing Entry


Wow you made that in like 4 hours :open_mouth:
I love the blue trees with their branches just slightly lit.

Very nice :slight_smile:

This is my PURE entry “Trieste”
Cycles 128s. Super high resolution texture from wikicommons used for fish only :wink:
Lot of volumetrics + denoiser used. I tried to model the bathyscaphe as close to photos as I could but found that boat was modernised often and photos are not showing exactly the same parts.
In 1960 it landed in Mariana Trench’s bottom the most undiscovered place on Earth.
I hope You see anything because of Challenger Deep’s darkness. Good luck everyone!!!


Slightly lit?? Those branches are hella lit :wink:

I’m back with some more silhouettes and rocks :slight_smile:

Title: Self Discovery

This was supposed to be a rebirthing moment for this fellow (hence my choice for the shape of the cave) where he discovered himself. What better place to do that than a cave overlooking the ocean at sunset? :wink:


Shore Line

W.I.P 1000 samples

Edit: Added volumetric scattering, now it looks like a picture :slight_smile:


Well there isn’t much to this one just a exploration probe being sent to check out this new undiscovered finding in space.
The environment is an image wrapped to the inside of a giant sphere, the planet is created procedural, and the probe was standard modeling, the black hole thingy was just a bunch of shiny gloss and glass shaders all with a bunch of color ramps and layer weights to control the distortion of the IOR and fresnel.

This is my Open entry (due to the environment sphere being an image) going to call this one.

“The Little Probe That Could”

Not sure if I like the textured version better or the base materials textured But since I went open for my entry I think the textured version will be what I stick with.


Haha, nice image @FlyingBanana

@Iridesium thanks. I don’t really have much extra time this weekend to do a more in depth scene so figured the easiest way out of a full scene is a space scene! Maybe I should have added a Tesla getting sucked into the disturbance. :wink:


Well since I said it… My OCD wouldn’t let me sleep till I did something with at least part of a Tesla.

Not An Entry Not An Entry

I am blaming you @Iridesium :smiley:


Undiscovered Luck
Pure entry


Chasm in the Forest

Cycles, 256 samples (plus an over-layed 512 sample part to hide the noise in the cave)
~25 minute render time

The time-lapse video is up on my YouTube channel now!


“Door To Nowhere”
Just a quick entry.
Cycles, 300 samples, non-competing.


Just though I should let you all know I won’t be here until thursday… Best of luck to you all in the voting!

1 Like

Far World

Pure entry. Cycles 256 samples, procedural textures only, compositing in Blender.


pure intry
i really had a hard time trying to figur out what will i do for this them, i almost cancel joining this chalenge but hopfully i manged to get an ida,

i call it "the undiscoverd evil "
somwhere in a dark cave lays a girl who has been shakeld by asomeos simply becouse she is pure evile , time wnt fast that the world has fogoten about her, and know one know about her excesting till someone re discover her "

everything was modeld today except of the girl, its a model i had along time ago
textures were made also today by krita
ther are some feow shots that i hade one with a dof and another without, not sure which one is beater

this one was really fun, i hade to play with the lighting just to achev the right mod ,the chanse where really defecult and chalanging , but i manged to achev it

hope i am doing things right and not braking the rouls by using the girl model.

cycle 128 sampels +denoiser
took me 1.33.07 to render it


Undiscovered Rain Forest Dragon Fish


Cycles, 300 samples, denoiser, filmic, dynamic paint physics, several particle systems, hdri light with hemi lamps

This one was a real pain in the behind. About 3 hours to make and only 20 hours to try to render. First render attempt using gpu ran out of memory half way through about 2 hours. Not too bad so I changed configuration to cpu. Holy cow it says 12 hours with the full settings I wanted. So made decision to do it since I’d let it render over night. At hour 10 I realize I screwed up and used the wrong material on the tree. It was a bright red. Canceled the render. Made a tactical decision to reduce the resolution and remove all the 2k materials and reattempt with gpu. Simplified the scene as well. Again ran out of gpu memory after 2 hours. Finally re-rendered with cpu for a 6 hour render.

Moral of the story. I need to learn EEVEE.


@OLG what kind of computer do you have?