1294hours of rendering for one specific frame of animation, other frames render in 20 minutes/frame


I have this issue where I’m rendering an animation with some particles in it.
I get absolutely no problem rendering it until fram 899, where the render times get absolutely crazy as in this screenshot (usually i’m around 10 to 20 minutes a frame but i render at night so it doesn’t really bother me)

The animation is around 1200 frames long and the particles are enabled around frame 720 (a solid shape, with geonodes on it, performing a boolean operation with another solid shape (where a shape key is applied and animated), on top of which a distribute points on faces is applied, instancing objects on it, nothing fancy).

The crazy rendertimes are only for frame 899 and maybe 900, and the next 10 frames render at normal speed but are mostly black (unintentional) and back to frame 915 it renders all normal again…

It’s not that big of a problem but itreally bothers me because it’s the first time it happens and i have no idea how to fix it…

Any idea you have is welcome.

Thank you.


The various features you are using (especially booleans) could cause glitches from time to time, which could make the polygons go crazy and explode everywhere. If this happens, the render time could go up massively for one glitched frame, epecially if you are using motion blur.

Try deactivating the boolean to see if it’s in cause. If it’s not, try removing each feature you described one by one until you find which one is the cause. If you manage to identify the culprit, then we can talk about solving the problem.

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