Challenge #1054 "Private eye detective" (01/09/23) Entries CLOSED

Drowned donut
Pure, cycles 512samples, rendertime ~2min., optix denoised, all made in blender. Used blender logo and miniami373 logo for the cap texture. Used an HDRI from

"The Baker News "
This morning at ‘Dunkin’ Donuts Inn’ a donut was found drowned in a plate of milk. Police chief Spencer Tilby says: “The victim identified as ‘Less Fat’ was forcefully pressed under milk to death with a spoon.” The police don’t think this is an victim from the ‘Breakfast Killer’ cause the murder has taken no bite of the victim. Normally the ‘Breakfast Killer’ chooses only donuts with a filling. But the autopsy will tell more. PI ‘Donut Mess’ a long friend of ‘Less Fat’ has stated he will make his own investigations to revenge the dead of his friend.

drowned_donut6.blend (760.9 KB)