Challenge #1066 "Money inside" (24/11/23) Entries CLOSED

“Uh-Oh” - Pure

Inspired by me spending a bit too much in the Blender Market sale. I imagine younger me tearing a coupon out of a magazine and smashing their piggybank to get those sweet, sweet add-ons (in some kind of pre-online 90s world where blender still magically exists).

Background things are from polyhaven - books, game controller, pot plant, and hammer. Everything else is my own work this weekend. I’ve wanted some blender pride pins for a while and I needed things to decorate the shelf with so I used this as an excuse to model and texture a few. The pig is subdivision modelling and vertex painting for the texture. The shelf is procedurally textured and has tiny dust particles scattered on it that are barely visible and probably weren’t worth the effort! lol.