16k Texture Bake Crashes Blender

I’m Trying to bake 16k head scan textures to a retopo’ed head sculpt I’ve made. I can bake them down to 8k no prob at all, takes less than a minute, but the full 16k kills blender. I’m assuming it’s a ram/vram problem working from a laptop. I’ve got samples set to 1, rendering with GPU, nothing open other than Blender.

If I can’t do it in Blender, is there any other software out there that I might able to do get away with a 16k bake on a laptop? …I should also point out that it’s not just a normal map I’m looking to bake, it’s diffuse, roughness, the whole lot.

If you don’t have enough VRAM, you have to bake it with the CPU.
Even in this case, you can’t if you don’t have enough RAM. :thinking:

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A free trial of Wrap 3D did the trick.