18 school sketches

Most of them (if not all) were done during boring classes… full views are available on my D/A gallery (look on the older pages…):

Ok … . so you studied dinosaurs & aeroplane among other things … lol.

Yeah school at times can boring but I would advise you concentrate on it, unless you are supertalented and can achieve good grades and secure a good positive income flow with reasonable certainty in your finer years.

I like your artwork, there is plenty of potential, but if you are going to mess around with art, you also have an avenue here, judging from your superb work with shading.

How did you manage these with - or without the teacher knowledge ?

They look nice. I draw things during boring classes, but I don’t really put any work into them. I agree with kbot that you should only draw in class if you’ll do good in the class anyway. So why should I pay attention in earth science class when I already learned all the stuff off of discovery channel.

Anyway, good job, and keep drawing.

tnx :slight_smile:
kbot, i managed to finish this year with fairly good grades, but i promised myself to pay a bit more attention next year…