1937 Horch Kfz15


Please check this wip, critiques and remarks are welcome.

The Horch Kfz.15 was a typical middle-sized utility 4WD vehicle of the German Army in the early days of the war. It was widely used for liaison, transport, reconnaissance and command vehicle in all theaters of war.

Approximately 12,000 of these vehicle were produced between 1937 and 1943. While it carried communications gear and served as a high-speed shuttle between forward and rear units, commanders also kept one for their own mobility around the battlefield. The Horch was used on all fronts from Russia to North Africa and required little or no adaptation to operate in those significantly different environments.

Reference images are: image1, image2, image3, and blueprints.


the modeling looks good, but the materials need a lot of work

Dear spacetug,

Please post a Blender internal rendering of a military vehicle to show all what you’re talking about.


He is refering to things like reflections, also, the material on the tires needs work, rubber does actually has a really really small amount of reflection. Same goes for the glass pieces (windows, headlights). It looks like a great model, the lack of reflections however, makes it a very unappealing image. Fix those things and it’ll look a lot better.

Sorry, I almost forgot: you have a texture… so… it might be an idea to add some dust or scratches, some details that make it more uneven at some places, I mean, I have never seen a military vehicle that clean.

Keep going, it’ll be interesting seeing how it works out.


Hi Daniel,

Don’t be so lazy, just google around or check my reference images and you will see a very clean Kfz15!

Are you looking for honest crits to help you make a better image and perharps learn a thing or two or do you just want us to glory in your utter brillance at car modeling. Loose the attidue and do what Daniel said. the modeling is execellent the materials are not, you had two people telling you this I wonder if you will ignore the third person saying the same thing.

I fourth it.
Good modeling.

Materials need work, so does lighting and environment and some textures would be nice indeed.
The render as it is now, is not believable. :wink:

I´d start out with environment mapping and the lighting. Use ambient occlusion, or setup a skydome.

…good model…without that it’s all downhill…keep it up…some people need learn how to offer cits nicer…a grain of salt and all that…on another note…did the Horch run a boxer engine…

Agreed. If you are an artist, expect crits. They are not meant to be rude, but to help you better yourself. Great model, if photo real is you goal, not there yet.

kxlexk, don’t be rude. I can agree with you that spacetug didn’t leave a very good crit thought.

If this is supposed to be a realistic render, you need some environment. If it’s just too show the great model, its nice! :slight_smile:

it looks like a toy :slight_smile:

you need to work more on the wheels…it’s too edgy…and try creating a nice scene to go along with your vehicle… :slight_smile:

kxlexk, there is no need for calling me lazy, you didn’t seriously think I’d comment without checking out the pictures? I’m not saying you should make it look like it just had a mudbath, Nor am I saying you did a bad job, so no need to get defensive. I was merely stating it looks too uniform as it is, then again, it is a work in progress. You posted it here, so it must be a work in progress, adding the fact that this is a forum for 3d-artists showing their work and helping eachother out, I come to the conclusion you posted it here to receive critique. I’m just saying, if you’re looking for critique, don’t get defensive if someone actually tries to help you out. If you’re looking to just show your work, I suggest you finish it and place it in the finished projects section.

I don’t mean to be rude, but coming here and posting works in progress can only work in your own benefit. Listen to others and you will grow. I mean, do you think the people working at pixar, dreamworks or square enix never seek critiques from their co-workers? Don’t get me wrong, your model looks incredibly clean and like you spent a lot of time on it. Do yourself a favor and finish it by texturing and giving it an awesome material. Modelling something is one thing, but if the texture doesn’t hold up, it can ruin a great model. Do your ego a favor and finish this, let it have the praise it should deserve when finished, After texturing, render it with Lux, Indigo or Yafaray.

Yes, I might come off as a dick, and honestly, I am. But that shouldn’t concern you, I, along with everyone else here, am trying to help you give your model that extra boost.And again, I can’t emphasize enough, if critique is not what you’re looking for, don’t post, finish it and then get the praise.

Last but not least, dude, go do it, It is a great model, I can see. especially if you’ve been using blender for only a little over a year. So yeah, I guess you can be proud of yourself. Just don’t get carried away by meaningless things like an ego or unwillingness to learn of better yourself.

Take care,
