1951 Willys M38 jeep

Hello everyone, my name is Jorge and I am a high school biology teacher who has 3D modeling as a hobby. Several years ago I started using Blender as a hobby in my free time and today I am very happy to be able to share something of what I was able to create after many years of watching videos and with the help of forums. The first time I used Blender and before deleting my first cube I already had the idea of ​​being able to make vehicles in 3D. Today I was able to finish my first jeep (before there were many more that didn’t turn out so well lol) of which I am very proud and happy to be able to share with this community. I made all from scratch and i hope you like it and enjoy it as much as I did creating it.


INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/mixed_shaders?igsh=MTRzNjYweTdmMmd2cg==)


Great job with the details Jorge.

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Ty Agustín :smiley:in the links you can see more pics of the jeep.

Amazing. Also the pics on Artstation are really good.

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Ty, glad you like it!

Wow…you did a great job… a great attention to details as modelling and shading.

Just a minor thing: in the artstation images, the shadow catcher object is quite visible… but it’s just a minor thing, the overall quality is top notch.

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Wow amazing solid work.

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Ty, I appreciate it.

Hello, thank you very much. The hdri gave me a lot of problems and the best thing I could do to solve it was to put a shadow catcher on it. I have to improve that in my next job.

Yes, I indeed reviewed your Artstation link the first time, great work.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Ty, you too