1986 Fleetwood Bounder - on the run

I’ve been in a bit of a rut working on architectural rendering (unfortunately not in Blender!).
As such I wanted to try something a bit different and get back into Blender so I started working on this as a purely personal project for fun. It was my intention to create a stylised look and capture a sense of movement.

All modelling, texturing, lighting and rendering was carried out in Blender and Cycles. The only items I didn’t create are the small rocks and plants in the foreground.

It gave me a chance to use the smoke sim for the dust trails and I tested a few different setups for the motion blur.

Thanks for looking!

Edit: Thumbnail for header

Wide shot:

Alternative angle:

Scene in the viewport:


Look great! how you dis the smoke?

Thanks! It’s a basic plane set up to be an emitter, then animating a collision object to disturb the smoke and lift it into the air.

Definitely a nice render of “an old RV traveling far faster than it is probably capable of.” But the back wheels are impossibly too-far forward. Other than that, “it’s very cool.” :slight_smile:

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Jessie, we gotta blend…

Nice work. :slight_smile:

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That’s a great take on the ‘Methship’, well done. What kind of focal length did you use there (to great effect)?
You only missed the opportunity to include Walt’s pants flying through the air…

greetings, Kologe

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I know what you mean, but I did use a reference image to get the proportions and the wide angle lens exaggerates the overhang too!

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Thanks Kologe,

The camera is set to 18mm focal length and 36mm for the sensor size. It’s probably about as far as I’d want to take it!

Maybe I can add the pants a plume of blue smoke at a later date…

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Awesome renders! :ok_hand:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Great! Thanks Bart!

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My thoughts too… but i didn’t managed to see Breaking Bad yet so i didn;t even know…
i guess the enginei being in the front… counterweights this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…soo… the complete “arangement” and the camera view “selection/decision” is :100: :+1: Nnicce…

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Awesome render, looks really interesting

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Thanks so much :+1:

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I like the action you’ve been able to capture. It really catches the eye. Cool!

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Thank you Len!

Point of composition - I’m disturbed by the alternative angle where it looks the camera (viewer) is headed straight for a roadside rock or a cactus, and I’m not sure which one of those I’d prefer.