I took a day to mess with blender again after a long time
(my version was 2.48 till 2 weeks ago)
I was only going to make a simple 3d chibi but i got really stuck when i got 2.67 and faced the new UI.
How can i say this… I really had no problem whith the old UI from 2.4x versions but it was quite a chalenge to find everything back (you know, modfiers and simple things like loop cut bla bla bla) but it was whorth it for sure.
The day I took became 23 days in my spare time , but it was really fun to see things getting shape and learning a lot of new tricks in the process :).
I posted it here in finished projects but I’m completely open to feedback of course (just don’t know if i’m changing anything because im doing something else right now…).
I used 0 image textures everything is pretty much modeled exept the logo on top
Ps: First post ever, so forgive if I messed up somehow…