2.43 preview 12 - armature ragdoll question

I did some searching/testing, and still no results, so I will post my Q here…

I assumed that ragdoll armatures were not possible in blender as of yet, seeing as all the ragdolls are blocks still. However, I noticed that (in the 2.43 preview 12, at least) it was possible to apply rigid-body constraints to individual bones (in pose mode). Is this a feature to come? a menu out of place? a function I’m just using wrong? I must know, armature ragdolls would be so nice and juicy…

probalby just dont know how to use it yet. see http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=83715&highlight=Tornado. and play accornoodpoololis’s Tornado game. Hilarious.

lmao, It’s Appolonius lol, but close enough

I tried the tornado thing, but I don’t see any ragdoll happening, just a bunch of boxes and boards, and yes, I used 2.43. (nice effect, BTW - now I wanna try it in python)

well i’ve seen bones constrained to empties, maybe you could constrain them to dynamic cubes or something? I have no idea what i’m talking about