I want to use a greyscale image as a reflection mask, black being non-reflective white being fully reflective. Problem is when I map it to “Ray” in the texture menu it doesn’t do anything.
rather, it acts as though it’s 100% white. Is this just an issue in 2.5 or am I doing something wrong?
You’ll need to set the reflectivityvalue under the materialtab to 0. else the entire object will reflect.
thank you
Sorry to bump an old thread, but this doesn’t work like I thought it did. Where does the RayMirror input get it’s information from (when mapping a texture to it)? Alpha channel? Regular colour channels? No matter what I try it continues along at full reflectivity
hmm… i have read somewhere that when you map something to raymir you need to activate “calculate alpha” under image sampling. I have no idea if thats the problem though, but you could try, i know it solved that problem for me back in 2.49.