I’m having problem with the blob tool using the official 2.55 build.
You know how the icon for the blob tool is? The one with blobs in
close proximity to each other? I want to do that, but the default settings
for that tool seems to be wrong. All I want to do is to click and drag out some blobs,
so I know it should be anchored, but other than that I can’t get it to work
Blobs next to other blobs adds on to the those blobs, instead of intersecting.
Anybody got blob tool working in a predictable way?
I know you can make this work cuz I have succeeded once before
but I have forgotten how, and no matter what I do, I can’t make it work again.
Thanks for taking your time Ricky
I’m talking about the blob tool in sculpt mode, I want to make something like the icon for that same tool.
I want to be able to just drag them out using anchor as stroke method. The default is space which I don’t think is appropriate for that tool.
Don’t know if you’re supposed to be able to make it work that way, but I’m pretty sure you are since I’ve succeeded before.
I’ve managed to get something similar to what I want using dot as stroke method, but still not the best implementation IMO.