2.7 Question???

Recently downloaded/installed Vers. 2.7, and User Preferences window pops up each time I initially open the program?? I’ve saved user settings many times; however, it continues to open.

Any way to stop that behavior?

I’ve saved user settings many times; however, it continues to open.
Do you mean User Settings or Startup File. These are two different things. You should save your startup file (File menu) with the preferences window closed.

In User Preferences / System also try disabling ‘Keep Session’ if it is enabled

Richard, it’s the Blender User Preferences window - the same one that opens when you select User Preferences, then you subsequently Save User Settings. I have saved user savings numerous times, but it (User Preferences window) continues to automatically open each time I open Blender??

I do not see a “Keep Session” option under the System tab within User Preferences?? However, the “Keep Session” under the File tab is not selected.

Hi, the way it works is that when you save your startup file you are telling Blender that the state you have your windows in is exactly the state you would like to see every time you open a new file. So make sure that things are exactly how you like them, including closing any unwanted windows, BEFORE hitting the save startup file command.

Thanks, DruBan. You detected my error…not saving startup file AFTER saving/closing User Preferences window!

Thanks again.

Hmmm. There is this button in User Preferences window - Save… I use it all the time and never experienced User Preferences window being opened after.

Scratch… Edit: OP told the truth in the end…