2.8 Is it a good idea that so much functions not have a key assigned by default?

I don’t believe a ‘more complete’ keymap would help with tutorials/guidance. The userbase is already deeply split with left/right select, 3 different uses for the space bar, industry standard and legacy…
I actually tend to think it might be a chance to see better tuts in the future since creators are now forced to actually talk about which tools they are using for what instead of saying press xyz and tada!

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Yes, thats a good point. The differences forces more qualitiy tutorials.

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Compared to most apps, Blender’s so-called ‘minimal’ keymap is by no means minimal.

There are literally thousands of keybinds in total.

This list represents roughly 10% of all the default keybinds:

(click to see list)


Yes, thank you.

I agree with this. I don’t watch a lot of tutorials these days, but I’ve gotten the impression a lot of modern tutorials don’t have much depth: “Press these series of buttons and you’ll get x.”

When I started out, YouTube wasn’t a thing, so learning the software meant reading up on techniques, principles, and theory, then reading the user manual for your specific software to figure out how to do the thing. There was much more critical thinking involved and I believe my edumacation was all the better for it.

So if anything could be improved, I’d say it’s the way in which tutorial makers are presenting information. :slight_smile:


Sooner or later the keymap interface should be studied better and rewritten, there are too many areas that are essentially multiplied by each work area …
I mean, if I use the g key to move the vertices of the meshes … this should automatically hold for uv maps, for the timeline, for the depshgraph etc …
and if in case you want to customize the keys in some work area you make “local overrides”

With a similar system, assigning shortcuts would become much easier to manage …
Sure maybe it requires a little more design study in the developing phase, but then it becomes very easy and peace of mind … whenever new features emerge and there is new keymaps to assign.