2.81 Bug Ridden

So far i have no issue and i use shrinkwrap a lot for the rest i cannot tell except brush were acting weird in sculpt mode but i think i read somewhere that we have to reset them for the new settings to take effect.

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the point is not that one needs to be a bug seeker, but if we find a bug, I think it’s the minimum and it’s convenient for everyone to spend 3 minutes reporting it … it makes little sense to get pissed off when the final release comes out …
if a bug is not found, there is little to do…

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I have a problem with what I think is a bug, I reported it a while ago, but the developers could not reproduce it. It’s driving me crazy.

  • add a shape key to the default cube, set it non zero
  • enter edit mode
  • from there enter vertex paint mode
  • :boom: crash

Could someone maybe take a look? https://developer.blender.org/T70534
I thought, maybe it has to do with my system/setup but I got the same crash on a completely different system with factory settings. This only happens with win10 btw, on linux all is fine)

(sorry for hijacking the thread, it’s kind of on topic though I think :slight_smile: )

I followed your steps but I get no crash here. I’m on Windows 10 as well.

Thanks for testing. That’s so weird. I have absolutely no clue what is causing it…
This is what it looks like on my pc

And @Andrew_Ray, I reproduced it on Linux, details on the tracker; let’s keep it there.

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Do you mean Windows-specific shortcuts to folders? AFAIK blender has never treated those as folders. Or do you mean something else?

In 2.80

Blender when opening files would see shortcut folders, that I have on desktop.

Now with 2.81 it doesn’t see shortcut folders anymore.

Again, are you talking about Windows-specific shortcuts to file folders? So would look like a folder with an arrow at its bottom-left?

I’m testing with 2.80 and with 2.79 now and not seeing that type of folder. I don’t think any version of blender has ever treated a proprietary “shortcut to folder” file as a folder.

No, Ton Roosendaal doesn’t code himself anymore. :wink:


Kudos, my first laugh out loud response in a while, forums have seemed a little dull and whingey recently…

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2.81 has been a bit of an ordeal for mac users. We have been now told to use 2.82 alpha as that has a fix for the vanishing objects in the viewport. But today in 2.82 when I turn off overlays to render a viewport animation the relationship lines turn on?! I restarted 2.82 and still it persisted. I opened it in 2.81 and they were gone as they should when overlays are off. Anyone else had that issue or have I inadvertently changed something?

They’re going for an 2.81a release. From the Release Notes the current included bug fixes are -




I have also found in 2.82a that the look dev preview isnt working on a PC either (havent tested it on a Mac yet). The two spheres appear as black instead of showing the environment and lighting.