[2.8RC2] Very fast Zoom/Pan at incredible high speed

In Viewport/Layout window for some reason any of my actions like Rotate/Pan/Zoom (I’m not talking about the camera object but working viewport) are VERY fast. A slight touch of mouse wheel zooms me straight to the Moon.

Any idea what gives and how can I adjust it?

Did you look at Preferences > Input?
Perhaps there is something not configured properly.

Not really:

I too have noticed a – let’s call it – a “more responsive” movement in the 2.8 Viewport…and I don’t even use a mouse! :laughing:

I don’t know what system you’re using but there may be a per-app setting in your mouse preferences that allows you to “slow down” your thumb wheel for Blender…? I don’t know…just a suggestion.

That’s a negative.
It is kinda weird because when I switch to modeling it somewhat toned down a little bit, but in Layout it is crazy.

Select an object (or vertex, edge, face) and hit comma (del) on numpad to zoom in. This will make your navigation more reasonable around that object/scale. (You can also use shift+b to zoom border instead of selecting an object).

Also check your units and see whether your model is at desired measures (And apply scale of your object).

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The units are all default. facing the object with hotkey wont and does not really make a y difference because, as I said, any navigation actions are to sensitive for no reason