2.9 preferences

can we re use the old start up file for 2.82 or not ?

or have to redo my set up manually !

happy bl

I think it depends on how much you tweaked the startup file and preferences file.
2.90 is again quite a big change, so it might not all travel over into the new version of Blender.
Just test it, and if something is off, tweak it again, or start over.

I already done this twice now between the 2.80 beta’s and 2.83. It’s the price to pay for fast development I guess. :wink:

i did test with 2.82 start files

and seems ok but i have only 3 or 4 things i changed
so i guess it should not be a problem i hope

but it is getting harder to export back to 2.79
i have so many things done in 2.79 so have to be careful so to re save under higher version or might loose data’s and get bad render LOL

happy bl

Get into the habit of creating your own custom application templates.

That way you can separate everything regarding startup scenes, addons & preferences.
Have a look here to start: https://blenderbrew.com/custom-application-templates-in-blender/

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thanks for the tip
happy bl

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I am lost when I try to read this - The very first words “Our first blog will cover the creation of custom application templates” Am I reading the “first blog” ? and then it says " TL|DR?
– copy the default startup scene and preferences file into a new folder with an appropriate name,"

What is TL/DR ? startup scene and preferences file ? what are those files named ? I used to install blender but then when I noticed my settings in the preferences would not stay put. It was using that pesky app roaming folder buried some 20 folders deep or so. So now I install a new version of blender I install it as stand alone. I have no problem opening up 2 and three sessions of blender of same and different versions. I do not understand the benefit of installing blender. What I do know is that it is a choir to create a new standalone install. My addon collection folder is 32 GIG! so they need to be in a shared folder. My “Blenderstandalones” folder is 52 GIG every time I do a new install I find that some addons wont take unless they within the 283 folder some addons wont work unless I put them in the scripts-addons Folder.

blender has 2 files for saving system parameters
Startup file
and config file

which are normalcy saved on Win 10 in roaming blender folder

but you can re create your own files but it has to be saved in another folder

i not certain how you access this new folder with the installed blender

when you install a local blender you can create your own templates for this SVN built.

happy bl

TL|DR = Too Long, Didn’t Read.
It means a shorthand summary for a long piece of text.
And there’s only one blogpost there, so yeah… I guess that’s the first :wink:

You can set up a separate addon folder for all your blender installs easily via the preferences>File Paths>Scripts folder. No need to have that all ‘locked’ to your user profile.

I have no idea how you end up with folders as massive as those. I have appr. 2Gb of Blender installs, and 2Gb of addons. Which one of them is already almost 1Gb due to the fbx files.

You should take a look at how you use Blender, as it might be a bit overkill atm… :wink: