2.92: is the compositor stuffed with bugs ? or am i stupid?

Hi all.

I more and more thing i’m wasting my time with an unfinished blender feature.

Okay… lets say it ‘almost works’ and i’ll be pleased to invite all the dev team in my plane that ‘almost fly’

I started with a scene with emitting objects and gave a try to compositor.
‘almost correct’ results but some weird behavior.

digging and digging i finally made a damn simple scene with an emitting sphere…
also ‘almost correct’ results but again weird behavior.

Now i’m on pure compositor with bokeh pic as input…

My conclusion is that the compositor don’t handle alpha properly and moreover, alpha is never saved by file output !

My question : Did anyone use the compositor or am i the only stupid guy who did it, thinking it would work ?

secondly and about alpha:

1st pic: 2 nodes. RGB input at 0,0,0 and alpha controlled by bokeh texture.
The result is the one expected.

now same setup but with a white color:

2nd pic: same nodes but when input color is white, the output is full white, whatever the alpha is.

i’m turning somewhat crazy on this.
Please tell me wether it is a bug ?

Happy blending !

Nodes have colored in/output to avoid mixing data. It’s not a bug. The only issue with Blender compositor is that it gets really slow with big node scripts if compared to other compositing softwares like Natron.

Hi @lucas.coutin :slight_smile:

You seem to know this compositor thing much better than i do :wink:

Would you mind if i ask you some basic questions ?

I’m okay with all the nodes system and can learn by try and redo method.

One of my concern comes with alpha and therefore, my 1st question is:
what is or what means ‘alpha’ in viewer and composite nodes ?

Thanks and happy blending ! :slight_smile:

replying to myself:

Okay i start to understand…
I was tricked by the backdrop wich does not represent the compositor nodes result but the final result.
eg the input image mixed with the nodes result.
This means i cannot get rid of the input image in the backdrop. If my nodes setup needs for example to make the final result semi-transparent i’ll get this result with the input image overimpressed.
This simply makes the backdrop totally useless^^

Hopefully the file-output node and the viewer node output things properly :slight_smile:

Aside this, and unfortunately, the result of an F12, shown in the blender render window seems to be fuc*ed-up. Alpha values changed in compositor give wrong results in blender view render.
Maybe it comes from an obfuscated value or parameter somewhere in the properties window ? but i found none so far :confused:

Finally and though the visual result in the blender render window is incorrect from an alpha point of view, the saved file appears to be OK :slight_smile:
wich is a good new :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s an auxiliar data to assist with your compositing. Some composites may affect your alpha values and get undesired outcomes. It’s always good to look at your alphas to avoid calculations errors. Render layers, alphas, AOV’s will probably be used in another softwares, but with Blender you have an option/freedom to use it’s compositor. Other compositors can easely switch between layers (AOV’s) to assist debugging your compositing script.

In this case, my object RGB is good with Denoise node, yet I’m getting very bad shadows because of my alpha. Requires more sampling or a different compositing setup.

If you do want to extract several AOV’s from your scene, it’s better to use the File Output node with multiple outputs. By learning softwares like Natron, Nuke, After Effects you will get more aware from all nodes. It’s a start to VFX compositing.

Fixed shadow: