2.93 fluids - keeping water in the river

I’m trying to get water to flow along a sculpted river groove. Hoping someone can help guide me to the most effective tweaks to help keep the water in the channel. You can see in the attached image that most of the water follows the channel, but there are several streams that flow uphill out of the groove and across the plane surface. What’s the best tactic to keep it in the river bed?
Thank you :slight_smile:

fluid1.blend (3.2 MB)

You could place your source of the particles in a deeper place. After that place is full the water will flow as expected. If it is in a higher place you have a high probability it will spread around.

Make like a little lake deep enough to have your sphere inside. After that I believe you just need to control the influx to avoid the excess of water.

As you can see here, the technique works. You also may need to make your river as deep as the lake, otherwise it will take a lot to compute everything and a lot of particles will be stuck in the lake.


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But I believe you also have a scale problem there. What is the size of your scene? The particles look so big.

Thank you :slight_smile:
the combination of Scaling the model up, the emitter down, placing it within a deeper ‘pool’, and increasing the resolution divisions on the domain, seem to have done it.
I’m still not quite clear about the relationship of the size of the emitter to the particles (either where it’s specified, or what an ‘ideal’ should be). In some of my experiments, when I scaled the emitter down too much it just stopped producing particles at all… so I had to scale it back up again…
Thanks for your help!


In the corner of the domain cube you can see a tiny little cube that is the spatial representation of one subdivision your resolution makes in the domain space and I believe it can give you an idea if the size of your emitter is too small or not, because that subdivisions are the “cells” of your domain from where your particles can really be produced. The relation is between the size of your emitter and the size of that little cube, you can use that as a reference.