2 Hour Horror Challenge - SpongeBob

I’ve recently been creating horror versions of much-loved cartoon characters, simply for a bit of fun. To make it a bit of a challenge for myself, I limit myself to 2 hours from start to final render. Then, I’ve been adding poems after.

What if the Spongebob we knew
Was all just a lie?
Perhaps he isn’t
Such a jolly, little guy.

What if he dwelled alone,
In the depths of the ocean,
Devoid of happiness, joy,
Or any other emotion.

His friend Patrick Starr,
A mere hallucination,
A waning delusion
Of Bob’s tormented imagination.

We think of SpongeBob
as having soft, porous flesh,
Per contra, in fact,
It’s a pussing, barnacled mess.

His wide, toothy grin,
But a residual facade,
Of what used to be,
Now deformed and marred.

Where his eyes once were,
Full of life, glee and spark,
Sit two souless orbs,
Receding and stark.

His arms and his legs,
No longer cute or fetching,
Now emaciated, wretched, gangly and stretching.

What if the Spongebob we watch,
is completely untrue,
Next time you go swimming,
He may be watching you.

If you’re interested in seeing the process, let me know and I’ll upload a timelapse.