2 huge problems here.

omg we dont know your going to have to show us a blend

The only problem is I don’t have a file host. Nor do I know how you retrieve a screen from clicking the print screen button.

Pressing printscreen copies the image on the screen to the clipboard. Then you can paste it into ms paint, and save it.

Thanks to R2blend I can show you the actual problem


Um, I still need help with this here, I don’t have a blend file up for you to look at but I am hoping the image in the previous post would ring some bells here.

is the road and the grass the same object? if so, try separating them


The road is just the terrain with a different texture. I also have a slightly raised row of polys on the side for the alpha texture that blends the road into the grass, I did try though to make the alpha channel polys behind the mountain to see if it would work a seperate object but no effect what-so-ever

Try emailing me the blend, how big is it?

[email protected]

I’m not used to emailing but i’ll see what I can do, it’s getting late so I wouldn’t have enough time.
BTW: does hotmail allow transfer of these types of files?

AAAAAH! JUST POST THE FREAKING BLEND!!! Use Geocities, I don’t care! :<

%| Lol, you’re getting lemmy all worked up. Yeah, just use geocities and upload the file. At least some people might be able to get the file so they can help you on your problem a lot better. Geocities only have bandwidth limited for each hour. So if someone can’t get it because bandwidth was exceeded they could try back an hour later.

With hotmail and geocities. .blend is not a general file type so you could zip the file and have it as a .zip. I’m sure geocities and hotmail will accept a .zip file type.

Jason Lin

Err. I don’t really have Winzip so I couldn’t zip the file, and I don’t see much of a reason you would need a blend. to solve just a problem with the graphics.

No need to be mind boggled over this anymore, I found the problem, it was the fact I had faces with no alpha channel texture on alpha drawmode.