2 separate curves, one flattened, the other repositioned to a different surface?

Hello there!

I’m trying to create one curve for later use and also it’s flattened variant.

The output should have 2 base curve variants

  1. Flattened, for the time being, I used Fill curve node, but that always sets newly created mesh (later converted back to curve) to the Z axis of curve’s origin position.

  2. Another curve version within the same geometry node setup should be dynamically adjusted to surface of a different mesh below.

Is there a way to “drop” these curve points of another object beneath the curve? I’d love to do it all inside this geometry setup, without the need to add Shrinkwarp as extra modifier before this one. Using Shrinkwarp has also didn’t really work well, when I tried it. It was distorting all points in very uneven way.

I’m fine with some overlaps, the only thing I want here is those points to be dropped on Z axis to the nearest surface, without moving on X/Y axis

First, flattened curve should ideally be positioned at the very lowest point position of the dynamic one. And flattened surface should move with that dynamic, lowest point of second curve as well. Because with the current nodes setup, it doesn’t move on Z axis at all.

Again, if anyone is willing to throw in their knowledge and time, I’ll be very grateful! :slight_smile:

flat_curve_points.blend (1.1 MB)

Use the Raycast node.

Good luck.