2024 - Blender Progress and Practice

It’s based on a concept drawing I did, which you can find here:

I should have linked that earlier, my bad.

I have a few reasons for leaving things separate- it makes it a lot easier if I realize I don’t like a part, I can just re-model it and hotswap it out. It also- for me- makes texturing easier- for my personal workflow, I tend to have a few different materials that I apply per part, I can just grab parts that need to be “RustyMetal”, Shift + Q, Assign Material, boom, now all my rusty parts are rusty.

Ultimately, if I was going to rig this, I would make it one object, but I really don’t want to rig it :sweat_smile: Moving the legs works just fine with just simple parenting, and I’m not going to animate it moving most likely