250 + Free CC0 PBR Textures by ShareTextures.com

ShareTextures.com has over 250+ free seamless PBR textures under CC0 license. All textures 4096x4096px and diffuse, reflection, displacement, opacity, normal, and ao maps included.

You don’t need to pay or attribution when using these textures

You can share them, use your own works or in a product you sell.

Sharetextures keep alive with your support. If you decide to support them they have many options for you. You can support them using Patreon or Ko-fi.

And you get an extra advantage with supporting them.

All supporters get Access to Google-Drive link for fast download. You don’t need to download by one by.


Link in text does not work. I think you miss “s” at the end - www.sharetextures.com


Thanks for warning :slight_smile:

This is great, especially for hobbiest like myself!

Thanks for sharing