it doesnt look like a real long render… i only wanted to experiment with some procedural textures…
I dont know why it has taken soo long maybe ambient occulsion in conjunction with highly complex spheres?!? and reflection too?
anyway i think its a nice image but the time wasnt worth it
what do u think ?
Did you really rendered this pic. about 11.5 Days? Thats really crazy…
Anyway i like the one in the middle and last one is good, but my favorite is the one in the middle…^^
Ohhhhh-ho-ho-ho. I can believe it. That’s really high-resolution ambient occlusion, coupled with the millions-of-polygons subsurf in order to make the displacement mapping work, PLUS the large image size, PLUS ray-tracing reflection on the floor and the middle sphere. I’m surprised your computer didn’t blow up or something. XD
^He’s right. Rendering at a high resolution like that will take forever no matter what you created, and Ambient Occlusion doesn’t help. You must have had the samples waaaay high, I don’t see a speck of noise. Displacement mapping isn’t very friendly either. And then there’s the fact you were working in the background while this rendered, taking up even more resources.
Really good work with the procedural materials though.
Crits - Less specular power on the final one, makes it look less rocky (also maybe a small bump map to give it some more uneveness. Very good though and I espescially like the middle one.
oh sure !! here is much much space for optimising =)
if you want to try it materials_crazy01.blend
will you share your tweaks? would be nice to see any quality/speed improvement
the time is mostly due to the Ambiant Occlusion and the fact that the Octree value is 64…even tho you have ALOT of polygons in there.
also try reducing the surface the grounds take in the scene when rendering with AO/raytracing. Speed it up a little bit.and level 3 of subsurf…level 2 should be enough
anyway…nice test…even tho, the 277 weren’t worth it
my ‘entry’: 25minutes on a 2.4Ghz Athlon XP under WinXP, that’s 0.1% of the original rendering time… My guess is that parityb doesn’t work in the CG industry…
"hey boss, my pre-vis is done, i just need to have access to a 3000-CPU cluster for a month or two while it renders …D "
no offense parityb, just pulling your leg. Since i understand the main point of your experiment is to see how much stress your system and blender can take. But you actually started something inovative, i think we should all give the file a test and see what kind of optimization we can employ to reduce the rendering time. It’s a good learning experience.
Well from what I’ve read, some of the frames for Pixar’s “Cars” took 8-15 hours / frame ! :eek:
And they appparently have a ~1,000 machine render farm … I don’t know if more than one machine was working on a frame at a time though.
Have you seen the movie “The Wild” … done by Core Studios. Really stunning looking hyper-realistic rendering. Haven’t found any info on how long the renders took though.
My attachment : Not quite the same effect as the original, but it only took 15 seconds to render on my meagre 1.2g / 256meg machine
@ mpan3
nice optimization, on the first glance i cant see much difference
what are your settings…?
my system is a AMDx2-3800 with 2GB memory
But to set one thing clear, please dont think that i couldnt optimise this, sure i can…
I dont know if it would be as good as mpan’s okay
at first as my machine was rendering, it was not my intention to optimise all to have the best time/quality ratio. I just wanted to see this image in high resolution and to stress my system,
And to answer the question if it can run some days or not (for example i have cheap memory inside and the cheapest asus board which was available)
and my debian router is now up for over 1 year
what i did was cranked up the octree resolution to 512. and lower the subdiv value by 1, (which lead to some artifacts as letterrip mentioned), i also turned off sud-div UV since it’s not used.
as for rendering, i disabled AA altogether and rendered the scene at 2x the original resolution. I then scaled it down in gimp which is much faster than using 16x AA.