An excellent guide.
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Hi! Sorry about this question, but what technique can I use 4 replacing animation in blender 2.5x? Help please!
相关的主题文章: 见习记者 纪国亮 田歌颖 网友“豆豆熊”:玩游戏得遵守游戏规则,反正被挑来挑去 、被买卖也是在虚拟世界。如果能在这里找到真正合适的对象,试试这种方法没什么;如果找不到的话也没关系,雪地靴一件代发,现实里相亲的成功率都不高,何况在网上呢。 主要是为放松心情 网络交友一直被人们认为不安全,记者调查了解到,多数女淘手在“淘男网”淘宝贝时持理性态度。记者同网站中的部分淘友进行交流,一名淘友明确地表示:这只是一场游戏。这名淘友说:“玩这个网站只是图个新鲜,没有想过在上面找个男朋友,而且网络交友并不安全,如果真的碰到合适并且靠谱的,或许可以考虑交往一下。”在聊天过程中,多数“淘手”和“宝贝”表示网络交友存在风险,不能抱特殊目的来找朋友。 被称为“宝贝”、放在货架上任人挑选、想要和女生聊天还得先抛媚眼,这样的方式似乎有点颠覆传统,男生啥感觉?记者询问随手放进购物车的几位男士,得到的回答是,在这里注册主要是为了交友,一件代发,放松心情,对这种形式并不介意。 网友“路人”:我来这里注册主要因为它是免费的。现在很多交友网站都收费,这里就不用花钱,所以我把它推荐给了好几个朋友。至于被叫成“宝贝”,那也就是个叫法,没什么好介意的。 记者咨询了有关专家,专家认为,这种交友网站是迎合女性心理的娱乐网站,通过轻松的娱乐氛围,可以缓解女性的压力。专家也提示广大女性网友,游戏仅仅是游戏,不能将这种交友方式带到现实生活中,并且网络交友并不是面对面的交流,存在一定的风险,淘“宝贝”交朋友时要保持谨慎。 货架上帅哥任人选 女淘友可得谨慎点 网上能淘宝,男人也能淘吗?近日,一个别出心裁的交友网站在年轻人中广泛流传。在这里 ,女人被称为淘手,轻点鼠标就能将男人收入购物车 ;男人则都是“宝贝”,在货架上等待被挑选,这个过程称为“淘男”。该网站被网友形象地称为“男人超市”,福云商城,将交友和淘宝的乐趣合二为一。 “交朋友,淘对象!国内首家女权交友网站,雪地靴直销!”7月31日,记者登录网站首页,看到了这样一段网站介绍 。按提示注册后,记者成为一名“淘手”,进入了与淘宝网设置类似的个人主页。在“我的淘男”页面可以完善个人信息、管理往来邮件等;要想寻找合适的男性朋友,则可以在“淘宝贝”页面输入查找条件搜索。记者注意到,青岛已有10386位用户注册,其中大部分是20到30岁的年轻人。该网站的交友规则是,男生想要获得女生的青睐,必须由看上他们的女“淘手”把自己放在“淘架”上,每位“淘手”拥有自己的“淘架”并掌握着交友的主动权,“淘手”可以选择将谁“淘入淘架”并开始一段“约会”。当然,约会也是网上虚拟的,双方可以通过电邮交流。在这个过程中,男生“宝贝”除了向心仪的“淘手”“抛送媚眼”、“讨好”,等待“淘手”将自己“淘入淘架”之外,没有任何办法联系“淘手”,女性完全占有主动权。
I don’t know what this “Wink” is, but it won’t play on my PC. I sure would like to see the tuts though. Maybe somebody could educate me. . . . .?
Yes, im bringing this back from the dead since we need things like this to be utilized in blender. I’d rather use Blender for 2D than flash, toonboom, or even anime studio. I’d like to see more 2D aspect brought into blender to broaden its range of users. A lot of my subscribers on youtube only use MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker to do 2D animations because they cant afford Flash and all that, so it’s their only resource. I personally encourage them to use Sony Vegas since it’s way more flexable, but sony vegas is more video oriented, even though it does implement keyframes. I know of a lot of people who are looking to do 2D in Blender, so im reviving this thread in hopes of stirring up some more focus to this issue. I know of somebody who is working on a ‘UV Offset modifier’ to do 2D cutout style animation with blender.
Actually, they will if you enable both of the layers. I did a FPS style animation and put all his different guns their own layers and used keyframes to swap the layers for the gun changes. You just have to have all the layers open when you’re animating it.
there is addon to animate UV and it works in blender 2.64, didnt used it but checked if it works, i did this recently in blender :
But it takes A LOT of time rigging this and making cutouts to fold nicely, i jut recently discovered that i could use knife to just slash those planes and make shape more similar to cutout elements so it bends more nicely, also figured out how to do better elbows and knees after i rendered it.
Awesome Tutorials! I am really excited about doing 2d animation with Blender.
I don’t own Adobe Illustrator nor CS6. I do have Photoshop Elements, Adobe Sketchbook, Gimp and Inkscape. Can someone make a tutorial like the one here using Gimp or Inkscape instead of Illustrator to import into Blender?
Is the replacer script available for Blender 2.6 (and above) yet?
Could someone make more 2D animation tutorials please? I believe that Blender can do the same things that Toon Boom cando and probably even better. Am I correct?
Thanks in advance for responses and help.
@nathandiaz. I’ve actually been making some huge progress on this project (sadly, i havent been able to do this outside of 2.49 as of yet because I dont know python yet. The script will need to be totally re written for 2.6), but I’ve rigged 6 of my characters so far, made a couple alteratrions to the script itself (the default script only swaps 4 images, but I was able to increase the number of objects it could swap). I have a little tutorial i did a few months back that shows the script in action on one of my characters (which is the GUI and rig have since been changed and updated) and a short test animation. Feel free to check my tutorial out at
Like I said, I’ve made a lot of changes to my set up since I did the tutorial, but it should still be cool to see in action. Any questions, feel free to ask.