however when i use the Subdivision Surface modifier, my plane has lots of triangles and i want to keep the number down as will use this in a game in Unity.
i also want to use the shape of the mesh as a collision collider in Unity, so was wondering instead of a plane, if I could draw a very simple shape around my flat 2d graphic that becomes the mesh.
without reading through the entire tutorial, it’s hard to know, but i can tell you how I would do it.
first I would add the image as a background image.
then I would add a plane and delete 3 of it’s vertexes.
using the remaining vertex, I would extrude an outline of the shape, seeing that the vertexes on my upper and lower edges lined up.
I would then add faces between these edges, where I could.
I might wish to add additional faces in the middle to keep my polys nice and square, which is better for deformations, generally.
Once my surface is solid, I would load the UV coordinates using ‘project from view’ option.
Then I’d match those coordinates to the image, in the UV editor.
Now I would select all ( in the 3D window ) and extrude.
Some of the faces along the middle ( where it now has depth ) may need to be remapped.
Make the appropriate settings in materials / textures for UV input.
If you like, I can do a mock-up of how I would approach the topology.