2D pan/zoom in Blender?

Hi everybody,
I was wondering if there is a way to make a 2d pan/zoom with the camera in Blender.
If there is any maya user here that would be the “” key in maya to pan zoom the camera without actually change the camera position. This is very useful for when I work with reference images matched with a camera.


you could offset the background images instead?

Not the same thing. I need to be able to have the mesh to move with the backgroung image. It has to be a 2d pan of the viewport. A bit like zooming into a rendered image, but on the viewport

the closest thing you can you is go into camera, hold the shift and use mouse middle to pan around. wheel zooms.

or you can “G”, “Z”-“Z” to translate along local Z axis to move the camera forward and back.

That’s exactly what I was looking for! :slight_smile:
Thank you very much!

Hello i’m late but for future personn searching an answer, I found a settings in the camera shape, that it’s the sensor fit’s size. It’s look like the 2D pan zoom in maya