I rigged it, weight painted it and when i move it, it moves normal except the left side (left side from the characters view). The mesh moves a little slower than the rig.
it looks like a weight painting issue. you could try using numeric input for your vertex groups, but since your model is segmented, the easiest way would be to separate all loose parts ( p in edit mode ) and parent them to bones individually. to do this, tab into pose mode with your armature, then, with no bones selected, select an object ( such as the forearm ) and shift select the bone you want to parent it to, and hit ctrl P
I will try that, but I kind of wanted it one mesh, you know, so there aren’t too many meshes to keep track of when I have a larger scene. I’m new to blender artists, so these replys take a while to get through the moderators lol
You could try just a parent “With Empty Groups” rather than “Automatic Weights”. Then go to Edit Mode for mesh, select the vertices associated with the hand for example, select the required bone in your vertex groups and then click assign button, that way you will always end up with the correct vertices against the correct bone. I use this approach for mechanical models, it does not apply for soft body animations BTW, where you may want varying degrees of influence on vertices by multiple bones.
Before you re-parent the mesh to the armature, go to the object tab and click the X against the parent, go to the constraint tab and delete the armature constraint and go to the vertex groups tab and delete the old vertex groups (click the black arrow and select “Delete Vertex Groups”).
Thanks, that is what was wrong with it. But something is still wrong with the legs. They aren’t weight painted right, but when they are, they still don’t move right. It’s just the right side that is messing up. (right side from the camera)
Thanks everyone for replying, I also fixed the legs, it was because the main bone (the one between the legs) had weight painting connected to the left leg. So I subtracted it and it works fine!
for something like this I think manually ( numerically ) setting vertex weights in the mesh buttons would be a better choice than weight painting. less room for error.