3 hour challenge #3 (finished)

In 2 weeks i’m on holiday, then i will go back to my larger, more serious projects.

But for now it’s time for another 3 hour challenge! this time my rules are:

No importing meshes
No importing materials
3 hours

Basically everything from scratch. I must admit that i have an idea before i start this time, but no idea how to make it work…

Times starts… now!

Update for thumbnail


Approaching this one differently. here is a concept sketch


I’m going to follow this one.

Cheers blender crazy :slight_smile:

In order to save a lot of time I’m making this one NPR. i want to do a silhouette, but don’t want plain black, i have therefore spent the last ten mins coming up with the one material i will use…

i am particularly pleased with how it changes the further away from the camera it gets.


Very interesting material! Good luck ;).

Cheers orux :slight_smile:

started some modelling…

may have to tweak the material.


:slight_smile: You really took a liking to this three hour challenges :slight_smile:

I dont have time to seriously get some work done, and this allow me to try new things. :slight_smile:

Place holder girl and baloon, but this is the general feel.


1 hour on girl / balloon
30 mins on tweaking scene, materials.
30 mins on post pro (i feel i may actually need to do it this time to get the look i want.)

Got to pause there though, time to go and do some real (boring) work :frowning:


You always come up with interesting ideas, looking forward to see how it turns out.

Thats quite different from a lot of other CG out there… Looks good :slight_smile:

Nice style man :wink: I like your ideas !

Wow… your back at again, looking good so far… hope the girl doesn’t fall :slight_smile:

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

i saw a silhouette of a crane over the weekend and the image popped into my head so clearly that I’m not 100% certain I’ve not seen it before. I’d be interested if anyone recognises it. I see so much great artwork on this site It would not surprise me if I had seen something and forgotten about it.

The only sorta familiar thing I can find is from limbo game: http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/669/1404070-limbo_esrb_t_720p30_st_6300kbps_52.jpg. But that’s not exactly the same. Can’t wait to see more.

Cheers orux, thats not what i had in my head, but the similarities are there.

After may stop/starts with the girl here she is. i’ve not gone into more detail because i’m going to using a lot of post on it and the detail would be wasted.


Im 15 mins early but im going to call this done. It is not quite what was in my head but it is close enough.

post was done in pixelmator for the simple reason that i find it quicker than blender.


Nice silhouette of the girl - since you made it especially thrilling this time with your prolonged pause I am very curious about your post production :slight_smile:

No, no, no, you can’t be ready :wink: I’ll have to google for this pixelmathingy. Not that it would count, but I never heard of this.

Returned to keyboard because I forgot to tell that I like the result! In my eyes it’s telling a whole story of a little girl that has lost a beloved thing in a colder technical world. Or did she set it free … ?

It came out nice Monk… I’m trying to figure out the approach you took on the cloud background… is it a mix between an image and painting filters?

Cheers guys.

Pixelmator is a photoshop type program for mac. It’s far far cheaper than photoshop and gets the job done. I’ve never got into gimp, don’t ask me why, I don’t know.

the background was painted in pixelmator from scratch, several layers and blend types were used. I had two versions of the image on top, with different blend types and filters on them, then a third for the balloon.

glad you like it :slight_smile:

Yes, the background really fits well to the NPR style you chose. It’s good that you didn’t take a modfied photo. And I really must say “hats off”. Once again a creative piece of art in a very short time.

One little thing I’d like to say about the lighting. It’s not very clear where the light comes from. One would expect that every thing was enlightened from behind because of the bright area in the sky. But the light seems to come from almost every direction.

What was the final material you created? Does it use an emission shader within the node setup?