32 2 What have you done, Phillip ? - HELLDIVERS 2 fan-made cinematic in Mocap Fusion + blender

Hi, this is a simple mocap test in Mocap Fusion (available on steam) with only 3 vive trackers ! I’m still improving my setup to have fingers, facial, and more trackers in Mocap Fusion, but it already looks cleaner and more usable to me than Rokoko, perception neuron, and even Xsens ! From having done post-animation on these mocap suits captures. It’s also much faster to setup and get your mocap in Blender, nearly a matter of seconds !
You can use Mocap Fusion for free, but I highly recommend supporting the creator on Patreon to unlock the 10 seconds export limit & finger tracking !
Render is done in Blender Cycles, and eevee for the fog, at less than 10 seconds per frame for fullHD !
Helldiver & terminid model in the background are directly from the game, all other 3d assets are bought on Artstation & Blender market.



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!