3D Animators for action sci fi short movie

Good evening everyone. Im a vfx artist who is trying to make a short, 20 minute pilot kind, movie in her own free time. Im trying to do everything my self but Im no animator and Im struggling a lot with this part. I will love to be able to colab with some animator ( or other artist aswell if interested) to be able to upgrade this short in quality. There 5 sequences in it and I covered two of them completly by my self.

The genre is adventure sci-fi, with comedy tints inspired by tv shows such as Shera and the Princess of power, movies like Nimona or videogames like Borderlands. If you like this kind of stuff I think this project will look fun for you.

If this idea is of interest for you, please add me on Discord, I think is the best way to be able to comunicate for this project.

DISCORD : Kendal316#3565

DISCLAIMER : Is not a requirement, but its true that the first voice over of this short will be in SPANISH, even though I want to try to do it in englis aswell. We can still comunicate in english just FYI.

I will also leave here some screen shots of the short so far