Ive got pretty far. But like in final fantasy 7/8 i’d like to have pre rendered back drops.
So im looking for someone to join me in making the best game for the contest.
I can’t use the render engine to good effect thats why i need help. I only however need about 4 locations, and they don’t have to be the best work in the world, but the detail counts.
stylised artists are just as welcome (not neccessarily cartoon stylised)
if you are interested reply to this post and i will send you the game so far and then you can decide whether to join the team or not.
you mean team s - a . iconjunky must be dead or something.
Well surely, i’m optimising the level2 still. for the Eva project yes. But this is sort of my personal project. I’m not able to render backgrounds though ussing the render engine, so i needed help. and you said you didnt want to enter the contest.
i should have finished optimising and making work level two by early into next week.