Another furniture model i made while practising,
I am not in the furniture industry, do not pretend to be any kind of expert on furniture, and simply am a consumer of furniture to sit and/or lay on, or to set things on… but I believe that in the furniture industry they refer to that as a chair… It’s a hell of a nice one btw. ; - )
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Thank you so much, I just changed it to chair,…
And thanks for the compliment,
Ah, you should have kept it sofa… just to mess with folks. Hopefully you got the joke I was making there. I’m curious: what country you from?
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i am from India, what about you?
United States of America (USA was too short for a post I guess)
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too short…
I featured you on BlenderNation. Stay safe, and have a great weekend!
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Thank you so much
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