3D Character Modeller

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Hello, I had some inquiries regarding the job, I have mailed you.

Helo James!
Kindly check your email.


Hi my name kai,

Im writing a manga and would love to have a showcase with life size anime figures in Tokyo. I’m looking for someone who could take my drawings of the prominent characters and make me a 3-d model of the characters so I can have them manufactured precisely to my liking. I’ve been looking and would to love to find someone asap who can truly help me.

Here’s an example below

Would Appreciate anything!

Hi my name kai,

Im writing a manga and would love to have a showcase with life size anime figures in Tokyo. I’m looking for someone who could take my drawings of the prominent characters and make me a 3-d model of the characters so I can have them manufactured precisely to my liking. I’ve been looking and would to love to find someone asap who can truly help me.

Would Appreciate anything!

hello i just sent you a message please it check it out.

Hello, would love to help you. I have good skills in 3D modelling and have been involved in making low poly models (even characters) as game assests. Please PM me for more details on the project. I am always ready to start. :slight_smile:

hey this is kyhermes, (anime sculpture need)

I ran out of replies for the day because I am at my maximum replies for a new user ,
please email at [email protected] so we can discuss further


Just sent you a reply

yes but I’m not allowed to reply on my other account to after 23 hours

I meant I sent you an email. :slight_smile:

Hello @kyhermes,
After viewing all specs, would lke to show my keen interest for the same, Kindly contact me to get high end quality work result at indie price.

Email: [email protected]
Skype: zagreusent

Studio: www.zagreusent.com
Kind Regards

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