3D Knitting

No big secrets here :slight_smile:
I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWDuhWUieFE and the houdini tutorial in Entagma link and decided to do it without using Sverchok. As I wrote above the method for the first image is:

“Super crazy curves :stuck_out_tongue: with bevel object for the knit pattern, cloth and surface deform modifier for object forms with shape keys. Knit pattern was modeled flat and I used the shape keys of objects to deform it. Finally, after converting curves to meshes, I added the hair particles.”

Only secret (but no secret) is how to keep point count as low as possible.

The pom-pom is a sphere with a hair particle but instead of hair it uses a helix object. It shows clearly in the clay render.
For the yarn ball I used a sphere and a helix, added a Shrinkwrap modifier played with offset setting and then deformed curve points by hand. Finally, I used the same bevel object as in the landscape scene.

That’s it!

No big secrets here :slight_smile:
I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWDuhWUieFE and the houdini tutorial in Entagma link and decided to give it a try without using Sverchok. As I wrote above the method for the first image is:

“Super crazy curves :stuck_out_tongue: with bevel object for the knit pattern, cloth and surface deform modifier for object forms with shape keys. Knit pattern was modeled flat and I used the shape keys of objects to deform it. Finally, after converting curves to meshes, I added the hair particles.”

Only secret (but no secret) is how to keep point count as low as possible.

The pom-pom is a sphere with a hair particle but instead of hair it uses a helix object. It shows clearly in the clay render.

For the yarn ball I used a sphere and a helix, added a Shrinkwrap modifier played with offset setting and then deformed curve points by hand. Finally, I used the same bevel object as in the landscape scene.

That’s it!

No big secrets here :slight_smile:
I watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWDuhWUieFE and the houdini tutorial in Entagma link and decided to do it without using Sverchok. As I wrote above the method for the first image is:

“Super crazy curves :stuck_out_tongue: with bevel object for the knit pattern, cloth and surface deform modifier for object forms with shape keys. Knit pattern was modeled flat and I used the shape keys of objects to deform it. Finally, after converting curves to meshes, I added the hair particles.”

Only secret (but no secret) is how to keep point count as low as possible.

The pom-pom is a sphere with a hair particle but instead of hair it uses a helix object. It shows clearly in the clay render.
For the yarn ball I used a sphere and a helix, added a Shrinkwrap modifier played with offset setting and then deformed curve points by hand. Finally, I used the same bevel object as in the landscape scene.

That’s it!

sorry for the triple message, still learning to use the forum :slight_smile:

Image of result?
Tissue addon was involved here for adaptive polygons. but vectorized. so you can input many different range of knots, that slightly differ each other. than form will be more interesting.

I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to say. Do you propose another method of doing this? No Tissue addon was involved here. I used Surface Deform modifier to transfer my pattern on mesh object.

Here is my initial pattern for the sea surface

Here are the meshes

And here is the sea pattern deformed according to the mesh and converted to curve.

Thank you very much for sharing the procedure!
If I am not abusing your kindness :slight_smile: , it would be great if you share a .blend file just by sharing the particles setup (only the particle system, not materials nor models).

Wait … Apparently the particle system is simple. What I need to know is how to do the braided thread. But surely there are tutorials on youtube about it.
I stop bothering here… now to investigate on my own :slight_smile:

@YAFU You’re not abusing anything :slight_smile: Here is the blend file with particle settings.

Yes the particle systems are simple. In most cases I used two different systems, one for long hair and one for short. For the sea and the threads hair, the long particle system is used twice with different seed number. Also, to make my life and Cycles life easier, I used Weight paint to keep hair showing only where they would be visible by the camera.

justparticles.blend (450 KB)

Your job is incredible! Congratulation!

Drooooooling… that’s megacomplex in polygons and stuff

Thank you @Otis, @ mosconariz !!!

Awsome. It realy looks knitted. Great work.