3d man

This is my latest3d model, a 3d man. I am going for a cartoon network superhero type feel.

I would appreciate tips and criticism.

you should model his hands with the thumbs pointing forward for better distortion.

Thank you. Does anyone find that his legs are too long?

I tried to work on the head, but the mouth is horrid. Can anyone give me some pointers?

Are you using any reference photos for this? His torso seems a bit short to me. And I agree with Modron the palms should be facing the floor and the thumbs on the other side. Not sure how easy it would be to do that depending on the edge loops you have.

A wire frame render would probably be helpful too.

Yes, I am using reference images I grabbed off the internet, and they seemed accurate enough. I am not sure about the image’s license, but I am only using it as a very rough outline anyway. The palm and thumb now face down. Here are some screen captures from orthographic view in solid and wire frame modes.

the corners of his mouth need to be dimpled inward.

The way the shoulders are joined makes sort of an unusual crease there. I can’t post a link cause I’m a new user, but just go to Blender CG cookie and search “shoulder topology,” there’s a video there that goes over how to make a shoulder.

Can you post a close up wireframe of just the face? I can’t really see how you’ve made the mouth in the picture above, but there is a certain way you have to do it, with loops going around the mouth instead of flowing on into the cheeks.

I don’t think the legs are too long, but they do look a bit that way because they’re quite thin. You might want to make them a bit thicker because at the moment they’re about the same width as his arms which is a bit unrealistic. Apart from that though, the proportions look fairly correct. You might just want to look at some tutorials on topology for the shoulder and head.

Your not going to try to animate that mesh are you? Lots-o-geometry going on there…

Here’s the close-up on the head wire frame. One problem I’ve noticed is that the mesh feels boxy, although it looks mostly correct.
I am not animating. My poor CPU can’t handle it, but I plan to use him in still images.

Thanks, Modron. I’ll fix that. :slight_smile:

Lips improving. Corner of mouth needs mesh flow like so, with crease made of face to look like fold. Also the fold doesn’t go back into mouth straight, but fold perpendicular to lip flow.


I am getting more satisfied with my model.
Does this look correct for the mouth?

Here’s what he looks like. Admittedly, the texturing needs some work, but I am relatively satisfied.
Also, does anybody have any tips about clothing? I need it to move with my character when I pose him, and I don’t know how to do that.
Thank you for your time.

The shrinkwrap modifier is good for making clothing because you don’t need to be too exact, the modifier will fit the clothing to the character for you. Use the offset value to determine how loose or tight the clothes fit.

For animating you should be able to just parent the clothes to the same armature as the body using automatic weights (Select clothes, select body, Ctrl-P, automatic weights). This should do a reasonable job, but it might result in some areas where the body clips through the clothes. There are 2 ways to fix this. Firstly you could manually adjust the weights until they work. The easier option would be to create a vertex group of the areas of the body that are hidden by the clothes, and use the mask modifier to hide those vertices so you won’t see them clip through the clothes.

O-oh. Thank you. :slight_smile:

The rigging thing is working great, except for the tanktop. For some reason it won’t deform, no matter what I do in the weight paint mode, or how I position the rig modifier on the stack. Any ideas on how to fix that?