I’ve been working on a model for a little while, but something went wrong when I started adding new geometry. I can move the object around, rotate, scale, etc, but the manipulator stays at the origin. Therefore, if I move the object around the scene, it scales or rotates basically around (0,0,0).
That’s because your pivot point is set to 3d cursor(on the 3d viewport header that little icon that looks like a crosshair) and your 3d cursor is currently snapped to the world origin.
So it is behaving properly
Are new to blender? that pivot switch happens if you press the fullstop button. switch the pivot point back to median(the default).
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for the fix. It works just as it should now. No, I’m not new, but I still have a lot to learn, obviously. I resurrected this blender file from a few years ago, which is probably why you saw the older manual screen. I had a bunch of normals issues with this model, so I was unable to export it as an obj file, but it’s fixed. If you would like to see the model, I’m not very good, but recently picked it back up, and am new to blenderartists. I don’t know how to do much, but I would be happy to have a second eye look at it. I don’t have much time to model and etc, but it is a fun hobby. Thanks again! You are a lifesaver!