3D-modeled food blog!

Hi there!

I just wanted to share a project I’ve been working on, which is my food blog called foodsbeforedudes.com (no offense intended!!). In an attempt to make myself stand out juuuust a little, I have started creating models in Blender of all the recipes I post rather than sharing photographs. Currently most of the images I have posted are of a low poly/cartoonish style, combined with more realistic background elements, which makes for an interesting contrast, in my opinion. Below are a few of the images I have posted, but if you want to check out my website to see more, that would be pretty cool :slight_smile:

Cool. I like it.

Cool. I like the mix of lowpoly food and photorealistic backgrounds.

I really like the idea. I don’t think I’ve seen food blog done this way before, so that’s cool and unique way of doing things. Also the vintage vibe in your photos is really nice. Do you uvmap & texture your models at all or do you just paint over the textures in photoshop?

Thank you!!

Cool! Love it.

Great idea! Looks very nice :slight_smile:

Looks like the style is papercraft (sprinkled with touches of realism in the materials and background objects).

Whatever series you are doing looks neat that way, keep it going.

Looks Really Good! Great Work!

Thank you!! I’m glad you like it! I do texture most of the models in blender but some of the paper-y textures such as the pie crust in the third image I posted is done in photoshop. I think I am going to kinda lean away from that, though.