3d Modeling - Mirror modifier failing

Hello everyone!!

So basically I’ve been working on a fairly complex model and now that I’m with the details I’m having a weird issue.

I’ve used an Array Modifier of a small surface that repeats a lot, this instances are delimited by two Boolean Modifiers, the Array Modifier has been applied due to some issues with the “Apply Transforms” that changed the location of the objects.

For some reason the mirror modifier doesn’t work. It’s not copying all the instances to the other side. (See the picture below). The weird part is that whenever I turn off the visibility of the Subdivision Modifier, the mirror would work and copy all the instances to the other side. I wouldn’t say there is too much geometry to deal with but I add another screenshot of the geometry in question just in case you guys can see something that I’m missing. Any idea why this is happening and how can I solve this problem?

Subd Modifier visibility ON

Subd Modifier visibility OFF - mirror working

Geometry (there is a couple of extra Edge Loops around the geometry that I thought it was failing)

Thanks a lot for your help!

Blender version 2.80.75

From these screenshots I’ve no idea what’s going on :thinking:
…but for the solution: you could move Mirror Mod somewhere down so it would subdivide, cut and then mirror the result.

Well. There are 2 boolean modifiers after subdivision modifier.

Why incriminating mirror, when the culprit is probably one of boolean modifier ?


You were right, poor mirror he didn’t do anything