3D printed sculpture: Grasping Memory

Hello BlenderArtists,

As one of my school-projects themed ‘memory’ I created this 3D sculpture on blender.

It was printed at Shapeways, and I made a little rosewood plate to finish it and cover up the hollow underside.
It is 14 cm high and printed with the ‘Strong White and Flexible’ material.

Unboxing video on youtube:

Video of the digital sculpture:

I am really happy with it! :smiley: It’s so awesome to be able to hold all that hours of sculpting effort in your hands for real.

All critique is welcome!

Very cool project! Maybe I will try that too one day :slight_smile:

I recommend you do XD It is so awesome to be able to hold something you crated on your computer. It’s really something to get it from 3d-space into real life.

very cool project & results :wink: I’ve been hoping to get up to speed in blender (and modo & Zbrush sometime soon), and 1 of my primary goals is to get into 3d printing.

On IndieGoGo (a web-funding system, kinda like Kickstarter), i recently joined a project by a guy who’s building an open source, hi-res version of a 3d printer that uses SLA (stereolithography) & laser method–

he’s already got about $12,000 dontated on indiegogo!

His printer is only a foot tall --yep, very small yet will ((hopefully)) be the 1st Reprap/DIY, kit-style system that will be very-hi-quality//hi-resolution capable,
and:eyebrowlift: just like blender::: ALL open source! :smiley:

So far, he’s keeping the plans/designed so that it can be built by anyone for less than US $1000 :wink:

here’s a link to his project on
his project is called “OpenSL 3D Printer: A Stereolithographic printer, For Everyone” …

–his name is Justin Hawkins,
he is a student & his “printing project” is called Pryntech,
really great to see more open source attitude ! :yes:

Its a very nice sculpture Ristridyn, do u have a online shop @ shapeways?
U never know if i would order a copy. And what where the costs incl. taxes and shipping?

hey Pensart-- i checked ur profile, very cool to see more old-dudes around here like me, hah–yeah i worked in CG in '90s,
for video games & various corporate-boring guys, etc etc…blah blah.
-Btw, there is now also a few more besides Shapeways that i’m interested in trying in upcoming months: have yall heard
about these:

  1. Ponoko : http://www.ponoko.com/3d-printing
  2. ok–not a service but still interesting–i’ve read similar stuff @ instructables, here’s latest on printing playable records :smiley: http://mashable.com/2013/03/12/3d-printed-record-plays/
  3. sculpteo : http://www.sculpteo.com/en/

It is now available at my shapeways shop! http://www.shapeways.com/shops/Little_Treasure

Yes it is, I uploaded 3 different versions so it depends on which version you choose how much you’ll have to pay shapeways… :slight_smile: http://www.shapeways.com/shops/Little_Treasure

Thanx Rob,
Also looking good is http://i.materialise.com. They are located in belgium wich is a plus for me.
Not sure yet if u can upload a blender, lightwave or modo file.

To Ristridyn,
Thanx, to bad u did not mentioned your personal cost & shipping. In case i want to print a personal design.
I still consider placing an order to get a copy. Would the 1mm wall version be tough enough?
I just like the design. The simplicity of the shapes and curves u used. The Pose could be enhanced but i like it.

My personal costs were 90 euro’s for the model and 18 shipping costs + Tax. I think 1 mm will be good enough, the hands and fingers are solid. I myself got 1.5mm but that is thicker then the adviced minimum thickness of 0.8mm for this kind of model. In hindsight I would have gone for 1mm but since it was the first model I ever printed I wanted to be supersure it got here undameged. it feels like good strong plastic, lightweight but strong.

I am sorry to hear about the pose XD I spend days on fine-tuning it. :smiley:
On the other hand I am very glad you like the simplistic style I choose for the characters.
If you have a different pose in mind I could simply repose the sculpture for you :wink:

anyways, good luck and happy blending :wink:

Sounds great, if you don’t mind giving it an update, i would be very pleased. Don’t get me wrong, the pose is nice but i personly think that it would be that much stronger if the hands that are closest, like the left hand from the woman and the right hand of the man would touch. Their heads resting on their partners schoulders and their breasts shifted out. But then again, i could be wrong. I could only judge when its finished. If u like to make this update, PM me and we can continue this conversation in dutch.