3d printing a topographic scene from Autocad or Vectorworks


i got this model to 3D-Print it. My problem is that this model looks good but is full of bad modelling because its not made for 3D-Printing. I can use much time to create a printable model but we look forward to find a way to make it 3d_printable fast. Does anyone have an idea how to to that?

Best regards

This is such a mess…

I don’t think there’s any quick solution to that, There’s the retopology that could work, but with some missing faces and intersecting ones, it would just be useless…

I would either try to find another 3d model of what you want to print or just model it yourself…


not much compatibility
CAD use mostly Curves and Nurbs
Bl use mostly poly mesh !

so not easy to convert

may be try to find an export to be more compatible with blender
if not try to use freecad

there is Meshlab that might help for retopo

see these threads for more ideas

happy bl

Ok Thanks for the fast answers! I asked for an improved export for the file.
I thought that there is maybe an option to make a skin around it and use it as a solid
or there is a plugin that creates a new mesh from view or something like this.

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You could try the Remesh modifier, which will definitely fix things up, but it might crash your computer :thinking:



Tell whoever gave it to you that this is not suitable for 3D printing and if you have to do it this will cost money or time… and even then it could be disappointing.Iit doesn’t matter if this is a customer or your boss. There is no “but” because you got bad preconditions and that’s not your fault. If you accept this you will be responsible… WTF this is really bbbaaaaddddd.

This is like:

There is a man walking with half a chicken to the veterinary surgeon and asks: “Can you resue this?”

There must be a better way to produce something from the original source. This is like making one single photo from a table full of plans and expecting someone to build a skyscrapper from that (single handed…).

(Maybe the last sentence is better suited to argue with the giver of this model.)


Seconding this- if you paid any kind of money for this, you should immediately get in touch with the support of whatever marketplace you used, show them this thread, and ask for your money back. You were completely ripped off if you did pay for this, luckily, most marketplaces have excellent buyer protection


if you can’t get a cleaner model, I’d look into shrinkwrapping it. add a grid of appropriate density above the topo mesh, then add the shrinkwrap modifier to the grid, projecting it down on your topo mesh.

This is assuming that you are looking for smoother terrain. if you want the stair stepping, then remesh is probably your best bet, but as @joseph said, it will be system intensive.