3D rendition of Spec's Character

Hello! Happy to share my take on an original character by artist Spec. As a big fan of their work, working on this really made me appreciate their thought process and artistic choices a lot more! I try to implement something of my own style with every recreation that I do and I’m really happy with how this turned out!

I used Tada Gaku’s Deep Paint add-on for the delicious textures and hand painted look.

Lovely to be part of such a vibrant and talented community! <3


Lovely style! Welcome! :v:

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Thank you!

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Welcome to Blenderartists! This is great work. The muted colors and texture add a lot. Did you texture paint even the light catching the eyes and hat, or are these part of the renderer?

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Thank you! It’s all painted! There is some lighting but for this particular style, I prefer to paint the light on as well. :smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! :smiley:

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