3d scans - numerous intersections


I am not able to solve one issue. I would like to use Blender to edit models originated in 3D laser scanner, however the models are full of selfintersections (tens of thousands - as searched by the tool in 3D print addon). What is strange, the faces have no geometrical problem and also the MeshLab could not find self-intersecting faces. However, these defects prohibits proper extrusion and another editations.


What is strange, the faces have no geometrical problem and also the MeshLab could not find self-intersecting faces. However, these defects prohibits proper extrusion and another editations.
If the mesh cannot be extruded or edited etc because of the mesh then it’s irrelevant what MeshLab tells you or not. It has a problem

What are you asking ? for anything specific you need to supply specific example blend files showing what you want to achieve and what the problems are. If not then we’re as much in the dark as you are