3D Spherical Graph Animation


I saw an animation/modeling of a network graph on the surface of a sphere within blender, e.g. as shown here

Graph 1

Social Network Graph

I do have graph data, so nodes and edges, and I also really dived into different types of graph network algorithms like fruchterman-reingold, kamada-kawai etc, but I have not found any way to bring it to a spherical view like in the example.

Does somebody know how to achieve this?

Thank you very much in advance!

You know of the special apps for graphs? Like for example:

based on th classci GrapViz.org :


Or something like this…

…and there are always Geometry Nodes :wink:

Thank you for your fast response!

Yes, indeed I know about them. I tested Gephi, Graphviz, Cytoscape, but I was not able to achieve any 3D layout (spherical) therefrom. The graph animation will be part of another simple blender animation, but the main problem remains that I dont know how to calculcate the graph layout node positions :confused:
Somehow it is more a graph problem than a Blender problem, but I am desperate looking for this kind of graph layout - I had it 3 years ago, but somehow I have deleted the file and I forgot completely about what I have done there.

Okay a complete graphlayout engine in blender… (there are some in python on Github…)…
If those apps do not export any readable format for the x/y coodinates of a graph… then how about exporting a 2:1 image and just map it onto a sphere ?? (maybe with transparency)

…or maybe even reading the coords from an SVG export…

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Oh that already looks quite good, thanks for your support!
But in detail, I am not sure if this will achieve my goal since there will be an area where no edges are crossing the border between “360° and 0°” on the sphere surface…

Here is an image of the graph that I had built 3 years ago which I am not able to achieve anymore. I was/am hoping that somebody just pops out with something like " oh that is an easy question, this is the XX network algorithm with the parameters YZ" :smiley: I hate myself for cleaning up my code that meticulously.

Just a thought: does is any graph layout engine support…
Well this igraph.org doc igraph-Layout seems to be able to…
ans there is this www2.cs.arizona.edu: Kobourov AVI-sphere scientific paper. (Ooh looking at stackoverflow you already found this Kobourov guy :wink: )

Yes, indeed. I am getting really desperate, it annoys me so much that I had this some years ago but dont know how I achieved this. The igraph layout comes close to the mentioned one, but definitely is not achieving the layout due to the evenly distributed nodes.

And I also dont remember going into the depth of graph analysis and re-coding papers (as kobourov), there has to be a simple way of achieving this which I cant remember unfortunately.

The things that comes closest so far:

  • ForceAltas layout from github with strong gravity attached
  • Gephi forceatlas 3D layout as shown here. However, Gephi is usually 2D and I dont know if the produced layout is actually 3D or 2D, and if its 3D I dont know how to properly export the coordinates. If exporting it to .gexf, the z-coordinates only range between -1e-4 and +1-4, so no real 3D output…