The thing is that I made a job for a company, and now I’m finished I don’t really know how to put a price to the job, not even know on what to base for it.
How someone shoud price his own job to not be cheated or not to cheat a company?
First of all you talk about the pricing before the job, be it project based, hourly or daily etc.
It sounds like you did not do that, so your best option is to calculate the amount of hours you spent on it and multiply that with a number that is reasonable to you and where you live. Basically you need to figure out an hourly rate for yourself.
However, if you made it for a company, well, what did your contract with that company – I dearly hope you have one – say about subsequent use of the work products?
You are probably not going to get paid now, just fair warning. If you don’t have a contract where you very clearly state what both parties will contribute, you’ll get ripped off. It’s really sad, but we all learn eventually
Pricing depends on your skill level, the scope of the project, what your work will be used for, if your work will be used in future- again, these are things always decided before any work is done. In this case, I’d ask what they expect to pay you. If it’s fair, take it. If it’s too low, you can try to fight it but they’ll probably toss you to the fish and find someone else… because you don’t have a contract.
Tough break, man. Hopefully you do get paid for your work!
Not one, not the other xD but yeah, I’m going to take the advices.
I’ve made a project with them a time ago, and after my contract ended they contacted to me to make some “few” corrections. The most of the time was for rendering, so I’ve calculated the amount of valid renders and I am making an estimation of the time my computer had spent on that. Also I’ve rigged the project to be able to make quick changes without a problem and that’s why I’ve not spent very much time with the changes.
The work was for industrial advertising purposes, they are going to pay me once.
And they already have the final renders, but I’m going to do that on the future