3ds max importer!

lately i have been asking if there were importers for ut2004 or c4d, but now i wanna know if someone made a max impoter. someone answer!!!:o

As far as I know there is no Max importer… you may try to use some other format acting as a middle man between the two programs (OBJ perhaps?)

writing a max importer isnt going to happen.
To do so, youd realisticly need the 3dsmax source, since AFAIK its a memory dump, just like a blend file.

Notice no apps import Blend files even though they HAVE access to the source. (some work has been done in this area but hasnt become importer/export from other apps)

Also noice that NO apps import max files. even Polytrans that touts its self as being able to import the most formats, needs 3ds-max installed before it can convert files, (I assume it dosnt pass the max files its self)