I have a college project due very soon, I was wondering if my lecturer will be able to tell if I quickly create the object in blender and then export to 3ds max? the model is supposed to be made fully in max but I hate the program… its so fickle, whereas I can work hella fast in blender. Would he be able to tell if I made it in blender?
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right click on your exported file(s) and read them in a text editor.
an exported OBJ from Blender for example has these informations in it;
Blender v2.72 (sub 0) OBJ File: ‘’
mtllib testfile.mtl
o name_of_mesh_Sphere
those informations in one way or other are usually imprinted in every programs output.
see into the file output of the other program and compare…
tell your lecturer in a humble and polite way that the choice of software shouldn’t´t
play a role any more in todays time at least for modelling and UV creation.
better yet, amaze the lecturer with amazing results but don´t be smug about your achievements.
If your choise of software is seen as “evil” move slowly backwards and run because that lecturer is either in bed with a corporation
which is against the rules of unbiased lecturing or worse for you and your fellow classmates, the lecturer might even be a bit behind in
how the 3D program world has changed and is changing…
- Edit;
there are many ways a teacher can check if something is truly made by you and or made in one specifig program of teh vast majority of available programs.
as an example you could get a live test and then it might get unpleasant for you… since the way you described could be seen as lying.
to finish this; my advice would be, to be truthful in what you are doing and following the steps above.
Remember that teachers usually sometimes always want to help you.